If you know us in real life or have followed us for a while you probably know that my husband doesn’t drive. Yep. That’s right. We live in Los Angeles and my husband doesn’t drive! As you can imagine this is no easy feat. With public transportation that runs few and far between, it means that when I want a break, my husband and son have to take Uber or Lyft.
This isn’t a stress-free endeavor for me to relinquish control to unknown drivers, but it must be done. I am so happy to say we have found something that makes those situations a tad less stressful for me and easier for my husband. A safe and fully portable booster seat, the mifold Grab-n-Go booster.
If you are on social media at all I am sure you have seen the ad for the mifold booster seat. I have been waiting and waiting for it’s release to check it out. It looked like such an improvement on our current portable booster the Bubble Bum Inflatable Booster. Read on to see what we thought of it once we had it in our hands!
The first question you might be asking is what is the mifold who needs it. The mifold is a revolutionary travel carseat. As with most boosters, the mifold is recommended for children between the ages of 4-12 years old who are over 40lbs and 40 inches tall. The biggest factor I have found in using booster seats with a seat belt is your child’s ability to sit up straight without slouching. This is just as important with the mifold as it is traditional booster seats.
My first impression of the mifold is that it is so small! When they say it is 10x smaller than regular boosters they are not kidding. I’m pretty sure it’s about the same size as my son’s ipad. And come to think of it, weighs less too! (OK the truth is out.. we still have the old version of the iPad! The newer versions actually weight less than the mifold!)
Is it safe?
After I hear the initial “WOW”, the first question I get is “Is it safe?”. The mifold is just as safe as a regular booster. It has been approved by the transportation authorities (NHTSA in the US) in Europe, Canada and the US. The main difference between a regular booster and the mifold is that a traditional booster lifts the child up so that the car’s seat belt is at at the right height on the child. The mifold on the other hand pulls the seat belt down to the child’s level.
I definitely recommend watching one of these instructional videos in advance so you know exactly how to use it before your first attempt. However, that said, it is really easyto install and is perfect for on the go travel in taxi’s, Uber and Lyft.
A few key things to keep in mind if you are using it in different vehicles like we do. The installation of the seat is dependent on the type of ‘crease’ that is exists in the car you will be in. For example some cars the top part of the seat is raised above the seat bottom, whereas some vehicles do not have the crease. Check out the full length video linked above to see how the installation differs between the two.
After testing the mifold out on several Uber trips in the past few weeks, my son’s chief complaint is that the seat is too low so he can’t see out of the window. He has adjusted this problem by sitting in the middle seat of the back if there is a proper shoulder strap belt available. This complaint is also present with our other portable booster, so it’s not a new issue for him.
Other than this, he loved it and so did my husband.
Overall I have to say I’m mighty impressed with the mifold. It is tiny, compact, easy to use (once you do it a few times), and is perfect for my husband who relies on car services. He has found the mifold so portable that he can leave it in his backpack that goes to work with him every day. This means if he needs to pick up our son unexpectedly, he always has the car seat with him. This is a great improvement over the Bubble Bum which took way too much room in his backpack even deflated, so he only took it when he knew he needed it.
For travelers on the go or families who need quick portable options at home the mifold is a great addition to the market. We would highly recommend this to our friends and family.
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