It’s mid April already – where has the time gone? March and April have been taken up with finalizing the production process at the factory and ensuring that we have everybody’s correct details so we can send out their orders. We have now taken 20,000 orders for 45,000 mifold units and have reached $1.8 million in sales in 123 countries across the world.
A beautiful production mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat
We’ve sent out surveys to all 20,0000 of these customers asking for their color choices (Remember the list? – I can relay it in my sleep: slate grey, denim blue, perfect pink, taxi yellow, lime green and pearl grey!) and we have had thousands of queries and questions on an interesting array of topics! The majority are particularly keen to know when they will receive their very own mifold. It’s been a fun few weeks (!) Happily mifold has a great overtime pay policy!
Tal Jon and Robert have been in China at the factory and last week,(drum roll, please…),Robert loaded up the first cartons of mifold booster seats ever to be shipped. An historic moment – there wasn’t a dry eye in the house! This, despite the initial mifold packages being drawn with an image of a child not wearing a seatbelt - glad we spotted that one before we printed 20,000 boxes!
Drum roll, please
Additionally we have started to conduct some market research in China to ascertain how best to sell to Chinese consumers and are about to confirm mifold’s chinese name!
Gidi has been busy working out the logistics of delivery to 123 different countries – I am glad I’ve been too tied up with those color surveys and customer inquiries to offer any help there.
Davide has been promoted to mifold Brand Manager, congratulations! He is now apparently responsible for monitoring global car seat marketing trends and oversees our advertising strategy to ensure we are delivering a consistent message about mifold.
Jon has also been to Long Beach, California to the Life Savers Convention where mifold had it’s official global launch. He spoke to over 2000 Car Passenger Safety Technicians who new their stuff about car seats and he was incredibly well received. He was accompanied by our new Chief Marketing Officer, Mark Silberstein, who joined the team this month. Welcome Mark!
We continue to receive fantastic media coverage from around the world and Jon had his debut TV appearance!
In other interesting news, mifold officially has its very own PO box. Setting this up was no mean feat and an adventure in itself. It only required five separate trips to the Post Office. If anyone would like to know what happens behind the scenes upstairs at the Post Office, please message me privately. Excitingly the mifold office now also has a professional and regular cleaner so the bins are getting emptied more than once a fortnight. Soon you will be able to compare mifold’s offices to those at Google!
Most importantly I have completed an advanced first aid course so if you hurt yourself or collapse in our office, I know who to call.
By the time I next write, the first mifold booster seats will be in real life use – I can’t wait to tell you all about it !